
Seeking Counsel on General Legal Matters

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Seeking Counsel on General Legal Matters

Hello! My name is Marilyn Flynn. My husband and I have an attorney named Max. We are on a first name basis with Max because he’s our attorney that handles just about everything. I’m glad you stopped by my website. I hope to be able to explain why you and everyone should have a Max in your life. We didn’t understand the importance of having an attorney present for certain contracts; not until Max explained it to us. As our general attorney, Max has helped us to write and update our wills. He has put together our living wills, power of attorneys, and many other documents. As you age, you will find that you need to have your life in order. There will be new decisions to be made and some old documents that you may want to update. A trusted attorney is vital.

Types Of Damage In A Personal Injury Case

If you have been subject to an injury by another person or a business, there are several ways that you can be compensated in a personal injury case. Here are some of the types of damages to consider with your personal injury lawyer. 

Medical Bills

The first thing that you will need to add up is the total of all of your medical bills. This could include not only immediate care, but also the long-term care needed for rehabilitation. A judge will look at the totals based on what's reasonably recommended by your physician. If your health insurance has already been paying for some of these medical bills, then some of your personal injury settlement may go to them before the money is given to you. 

Lost Wages

If your injury was severe enough to cause disability that keeps you from working, a compensation for lost wages may be in order. This amount could go up to the wages you would have earned over the rest of your working career, if the injury is deemed to be a lifelong disability. 

Pain and Suffering 

Pain and suffering is one subjective aspect of your personal injury settlement. The judge may award a pain multiplier based on the severity of pain and discomfort that your injury and treatments cause. It is sometimes in the insurance company's best interest to settle the case before it goes to trial, in case the judge awards a large pain multiplier. The compensation for pain can go beyond physical pain to emotional pain and distress. 

Loss of Companionship

Another component that a great personal injury lawyer may be able to argue is for an award based on loss of companionship. This can be a valid claim if the injury changes you so much that it makes an important relationship difficult. For instance, if you are no longer able to have a physical relationship with your spouse, this can place enormous strain on the relationship and be a valid area for compensation in your personal injury case. 

These are some of the most common types of damages that can be claimed in a personal injury case, although there are others, such as wrongful death compensation. It's a good idea to thoroughly review your case with a personal injury lawyer from a firm like GSJones Law Group, P.S. at the outset of filing your claim so that you can claim the maximum damages owed for your injury.